all postcodes in PO6 / PORTSMOUTH

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO6 3AD 1 1 50.842835 -1.069015
PO6 3AE 1 1 50.844683 -1.069617
PO6 3AG 33 23 50.844307 -1.067508
PO6 3AH 1 1 50.847143 -1.069029
PO6 3AJ 40 9 50.842387 -1.068101
PO6 3AP 3 3 50.843917 -1.06817
PO6 3AR 35 0 50.844905 -1.068093
PO6 3AW 1 1 50.843867 -1.068781
PO6 3AX 16 4 50.844841 -1.066816
PO6 3AY 1 1 50.839174 -1.072297
PO6 3AZ 30 13 50.843747 -1.067179
PO6 3BA 1 1 50.843944 -1.06709
PO6 3BB 15 9 50.842984 -1.067407
PO6 3BD 2 1 50.841967 -1.067285
PO6 3BG 14 2 50.843084 -1.066411
PO6 3BL 1 1 50.844006 -1.067003
PO6 3BP 1 1 50.84548 -1.066917
PO6 3BS 12 12 50.845317 -1.0679
PO6 3BT 9 9 50.845485 -1.066405
PO6 3BU 6 5 50.845935 -1.066439